Science 4: Habitat PBL

Science 4: Habitat PBL

You are a member of the Habitat Research Team. Your job is to figure out what may happen to habitats when countries or business want to do something in that habitat. When a government or corporation contacts you, they usually have a question or problem about how a habitat is affected by a natural activity or human activity. 

The interest of the country or business varies. They may want to build something on the land, find out the effects of a natural disaster on a habitat or want an explanation when they notice the sharp increase or decrease in a population of species of plant or animal. 

The Government of the (made up) country of Banglapore (pronounced Bang-la-pour) is looking to build a large number of factories in some of its habitats. Banglapore is an island off the coast of Japan.  It is a poor country with a lot of natural resources. Banglapore has a lot of forests (temperate and coniferous) habitats, a mountain range, freshwater habitats, and grasslands habitats. Banglapore wants to use its natural resources to build industry for the country to improve the lives of its citizens. 

Your job is to answer the questions of the Banglapore Government and provide any information they need while they plan to build their factories.

Download: banglapore_certificate.docx

Download: Banglapore_letters.docx
Download: Grade_4_Habitat_PBL.docx

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