All resources in Financial Literacy Teachers

Activity: Sask DLC Outcome 1 Lesson

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The following resource from the Sask DLC Financial Literacy 10 course contains: a viewing guide for videos on various cultural perspectives on financial decisions, an article and information to help the students begin to write their own plans, and the "Money Story" Assignment

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Homework/Assignment, Assessment

Author: Cindy Lowe

Crypto Foundations from Everfi (Grade 9-12)

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"Crypto Foundations is a digital program that teaches high school students what cryptocurrency is, how it's created on the blockchain, and the risks and benefits of holding cryptocurrencies as an investment. This 101-course provides a reliable source of foundational knowledge as it introduces students to the blockchain world."

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson

Author: Everfi