Grade 4 SS - PA 4.3 a. First Nations system of government poster

Grade 4 SS - PA 4.3 a. First Nations system of government poster

This lesson for PA 4.3 (a) asks student to make a poster illustrating the four levels of First Nations governance. The poster should show and explain four structures of governance for First Nations people and how the government structures are connected.  Students are also asked to write a paragraph to explain how this system of government can benefit (can be good for) First Nations people.  The lesson includes student information sheets to assist them.  

Created by Virginia Mireau and the WAS Grade 4 teachers. 

Thanks to Susan Beaudin, Office of the Treaty Commissioner, for reviewing the lesson for appropriate language and content. 

Download: PA_4.3_a._First_Nations_system_of_government_poster.docx

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