Grade 6 Social Studies - Creating a Constitution - Lessons and Assessments

Grade 6 Social Studies - Creating a Constitution - Lessons and Assessments

In this unit of study, students will be asked to complete a performance task (create a brochure) in which they design a country that will provide a productive and positive place for people to live. They will develop a constitution for the country that they created.  

Lessons and accompanying assessments included: 

  • Lesson 1:  What is Power?
  • Lesson 2:  Traits of Effective Leaders
  • Lesson 3:  Tommy Douglas~ An Outstanding Canadian Leader
  • Lesson 4:  Where do you stand on fairness?

  • Lesson 5: Colonialism in Canada and South Africa

  • Lesson 6: White Privilege

  • Lesson 7:  Human Rights in Canada

  • Lesson 8:  How are rights protected?

Download: Unit_3_Social_6_lessons_and_assessments.docx

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