The Great Sand Castle/Snow Sculpture Competition - Grade 8 Social Studies

The Great Sand Castle/Snow Sculpture Competition - Grade 8 Social Studies

This mini inquiry unity connects to various outcomes explore throughout the curriculum. 

The Challenge

Throughout the ages, people have created Landmarks that have remained through time.  From the great Pyramid of Egypt to the Great Wall of China, to the Cathedrals of Europe, structures are all around us. Architecture tells us a lot about the people who created the structures.

This sand castle/snow sculpture competition invites students to build an accurate scale model of an ancient site.  To prepare for the challenge, they will take some steps ahead of time. They will read information in books, magazines, websites with pictures that show the details about the site and the society of people whom constructed the architecture.  

Students will prepare: 

  • research notes 
  • a detailed plan including a sketch, required tools and any extra materials needed to construct the model from the snow or sand 
  • an informative viewer’s guide in the form of a brochure or another means to share

Students will work in a group of 3 or 4 to complete the challenge. 

Download: The_Great_Sand_Castle_competition-_critical_thinking-_Social_Studies.docx

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