Environmental Science 20 - Student Directed Study Rubric - Chelsey Sundby

I created this rubric for the Student - Directed Study outcome in Environmental Science 20. I wanted to leave the rubric very broad - based in order to give the students freedom to choose how they wanted to complete the project. Fostering creativity in our students is one of the 21st CCs (Competency 1: Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship). By giving our students freedom to choose what they want to learn, how they want to go about learning it, and how they want to demonstrate their learning, we are embodying 21st Century Assessment practices. This assessment also gives the student a chance to think critically (competency 2), as they must complete research and then use the research to conclude how to answer their research question. The ability to acquire and process and wide variety of information to find out what is relevant is a major part of critical thinking. In this project, the students are required to work with at two of their peers at different times throughout the project to peer assess and collaborate in order to improve their projects. The idea of working with your peers to improve your product is part of 21st CCs (number 3), and is an essential skill for the students to have as they enter the work force. Throughout this assignment, the students will use a variety of forms of technology in order to complete their research and present their findings, which falls under competency #7.

Download: EnvironmentalScience20SDS1-Student-DirectedStudy.docx

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