Grade 7/8 ELA- Representation (CC7.5/CC8.5) in Mystery and Suspense Unit- Kelsi Moser

I created this assignment for my 7/8 ELA class as an end to their Mystery and Suspense Unit. We had been discussing the different forms that mystery and suspense works take, including literature, film/television, and radio, as well as looking at real life examples of mystery and suspense. While looking at these works we additionally discussed the elements of a mystery/suspense work, and what was needed in a work to make it part of this genre. Their final task for this unit was to take their learning about what makes a mystery/suspense work and apply it in a creative way- when I did this initially I provided them with four options that I created myself, but I have added a fifth option upon re-examination that allows them to propose their own creation. There were some very cool projects that came out of this when I first did this with the 7/8’s, and I think that adding this fifth option provides even more opportunity for student choice, resulting in even more student engagement while doing this project. This assignment and assessment can be linked back to the 21st CCs in that it allows students opportunity to think creatively in their creation of a unique artifact (Competency 1: Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship) where they are challenged to apply the knowledge they’ve gained over the unit during this creation process (Competency 2: Critical Thinking). Many students chose to work together in small groups during this process, where they collaborated and co-created their projects (Competency 3: Collaboration). Finally, though not all students chose to, many groups utilized different pieces of technology as a part of their final product, allowing them to enhance and showcase their digital literacy (Competency 7: Computer and Digital Technologies).

For your project in our Mystery and Suspense unit you will have a choice of one of the following options that can be completed individually, in pairs, or in small groups (no more than 3). No matter what option you choose you will be required to write a project proposal and submit it to Ms. Moser before moving on to creating it. Use your “Recipe for a Mystery” sheet to guide you; you will be marked on your ability to include those elements into your original creation. 

Download: Unit_Project_for_Mystery.docx

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