Historical Thinking - Generation 1 - Living in Two Worlds

Historical Thinking  - Generation 1 - Living in Two Worlds

In order to learn more about this group of Canadians, Nahlah Ayed, an award- winning CBC journalist, returned to her old school, Churchill High School, in her hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, to investigate why today's Generation One youths do not feel “100 per cent Canadian.” A Canadian born daughter of Palestinian immigrants, Ayed and her journey not only reflect her own Generation One experiences but highlight the struggles encountered by todays Generation One youths in their search for Canadian identity. 

Students will view and react to the video/readings "GENERATION ONE: LIVING IN TWO WORLDS".

In this activity, students will be asked to consider: 

1.What does it mean to you to be Canadian? Reflect on your own experience or those of your classmates.

2.Do you think Canada's multiculturalism makes it easier or more difficult for new immigrants and Generation Ones to feel they belong to Canadian society? Explain.

Download: Generation_1_Living_in_Two_Worlds.pdf

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