Personal Wellness

Personal Wellness Pie

In order to feel good about ourselves, we need to pay attention to the 5 different areas of our life that bring us wellness.  

1. Spiritual- How do I fit in this world?  What is my purpose in life?  What things can I do to feel happy? What can I appreciate?

2. Physical- What physical activity did I do today? Did I eat healthy?

3.  Emotional- What feelings did I have today? If I had negative feelings today, how can I change them to positive feeling

4. Intellectual- What is something I learned today?  What did I discover that was new?

5. Social- Did I talk with anyone today?  Did I spend time with a pet today? Did I get connected to others face to face today?

Download: 1_-_Personal_Wellness_Pie_-_Sue.docx

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