Walk the Talk: Strategies for Developing Language

Walk the Talk: Strategies for Developing Language

Effective Oral Language Instruction – Best Practices Use knowledge of stages of language development to plan instruction and choose materials (see Appendix C). Model good language use: o Use complete sentences o Precise language o Use native language strategically o Use academic and testing language -integrate target vocabulary into your daily oral language Ensure in conversation and in instruction that students are instructed on what to do rather than what not to do. Example: ―Your essay should have 5 paragraphs‖ vs ―Don‘t just write one paragraph. ― Provide multiple opportunities for practice in oral language with group, with partner, and individually Maximize student engagement ie. If students are passive provide opportunities where all students must answer (see suggestions in document) Provide choices for reluctant students Connect all language to meaning Teach academic language in the context of content instruction 


Download: English_As_an_Additional_Language_EAL_Handbook.pdf

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