Vocabulary Remake

Vocabulary Remake

7-UP Vocabulary Challenge  

Make learning new vocabulary into a challenge game and see what happens!   

This is a quick and material-free way to engage students with words they are learning! 

The “7-UP”catch …  Tell the students that they are going to play a game of “7-UP” with the vocabulary words.    Naturally they will be excited because it’s a “game”.   The goal is to use the word in a sentence.  The trick is that the sentence has to be at least 7 words.    When the students point out “That’s going to be hard!” respond by “challenging” write a sentence better than the one you write.  They will immediately want to “beat” you for the BEST sentence.   After they have shared with a shoulder partner, they nominated 3 peers to read their sentence for the class.   Vote for the most phenomenal sentence using the word. 


Download: Vocabulary_Remake_-_Shirley_Barclay.pdf

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