Grade 7 Cross Curricular Project - Resources

Make your country Great Again!  


Driving Question: You and your group are given economic control of Canada and another country in the Pacific Rim. How will you make Canada and your other chosen country rich and prosperous? 


Social Studies 7 

Math 7 

RW7.1 Explain the role of barter, trade, and sharing in traditional economies in Canada and the circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. 

SP7.2 Demonstrate an understanding of circle graphs. 

RW7.2 Investigate the influence of resources upon economic conditions of peoples in circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. 


  1. What are circle graphs? 


  1. What are types of information that Circle Graphs are good for displaying? Which type of data are they best for displaying? What types of information are they not good for displaying? Why?  


  1. What is the relationship between the percentage of the data and the degrees on the circle graph? 


To do: 


  1. Create circle graphs relating to Canada’s and your chosen county’s natural and manufactured resources 

  • Analyze your graph’s information by explaining your country’s wealth and what they need from other countries. 



RW7.3 Assess the ecological stewardship of economies of Canada and the circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. 

SS7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of circles including circumference and central angles. 


  1. What are examples of barter/trade/sharing in our local community? (RW 7.1a,b). 


  1. Define “natural resource” and contrast renewable/non-renewable resources (RW 7.2a). 


  1. What natural resources do we have available in our community, and what part do they play in our lives?( RW 7.2b). 


  1. What are the differences between primary/secondary/tertiary industry (RW 7.2c). 


  1. What is Gross National Product? 


  1. How do resources & industries affect the Gross National Product (GNP)? (RW 7.2d). 


  1. What is Standard of Living? How is it related to material wealth measures (gross national product, gross domestic product) and/or non-material measures (the quality of life index, happiness index) (RW 7.2e).  


  1. What are the origins & current meanings of “steward”, “stewardship” (RW 7.3a).  


  1. Define “sustainable” vs “unsustainable” with respect to resources and industry as they apply to resources & industry (RW 7.3b).  


  1. What are the different things that companies do that might effect the level of sustainability (RW 7.3c). 




  1. What is a circle? 


  1. What is a diameter and radius? How many exist in a circle? Explain.  


  1. What is Pi? What is the symbol that represents an irrational number? Why is Pi an irrational number?  


  1. What is the relationship between Pi and a circle? 


  1. What is circumference? How do we determine it? 


  1. How many degrees are there in a circle?  


  1. Determine the circumference of circles, given radius or diameter.  


  1. Determine the radius or diameter of a circle, given the circumference. 


  1. Determine the value of a central angle. 


To Do:  


  1. Investigate the math involved in calculating the circumference of the earth. 


  1. Have scientists and mathematicians discovered the radius of Earth? If so, how did they do it? 


  1. Using Circle Graphs, display the resources of Canada and your chosen country. 


  1. Compare and contrast the GDP and GNP of your countries? What would happen if we excluded the GNP? 



To do 4 of the following: 


  1. Role-play barter/trade/sharing to gain goods/services (RW 7.1a). - Describe local community examples of barter/trade/sharing (RW 7.1b). 


  1. Present experiences of community Elders & seniors regarding barter/sharing/trade (RW 7.1c).  


  1. What are different barter/trade/sharing economies (RW 7.1d)? Can they be “sustainable”? 


  1. Identify locations of natural resources of circumpolar/Pacific Rim countries using maps, and analyze the impact of resources on local communities (RW 7.2b).  


  1. How does a person’s Standard of Living relate to their country’s resource and wealth? (material wealth measures & non-material measures) (RW 7.2e)? 


  1. Define “sustainable”, discriminate between sustainable and unsustainable. Examine sustainability of economies of circumpolar/Pacific Rim countries, and propose practices to sustainability (RW 7.3c).  


Terms to Know:  

Barter, Trade, Sharing, Sustainable Resource, Renewable Resource, Non-renewable Resource, Primary Industry Secondary Industry, Tertiary Industry, GNP, Pacific Rim, Circumpolar, Goods & Services, Standard of Living, GDP, Quality of Life Index, Happiness Index, Circumpolar, Unsustainable, Natural Resource, Steward,  





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