Self-Assessment Transition Rubrics

The First Nations, Metis and Inuit student engagement and achievement Outcome team has made some revisions to the Transitions Rubric (attached). This rubric was first developed to support the Actions and Deliverables in the Outcome plan.  Several of your administrators reviewed and provided feedback on the original rubric previously, and some further feedback has been received that inspired some revisions to the rubric.

 This is a self-assessment tool that is designed for administrators to use to reflect on their schools’ success in supporting smooth transitions for students.  We know that schools are generally welcoming to students who arrive in September or at other expected transition times, but sometimes in the hectic world of schools the important work to welcome, orient and support new students is overlooked.  Many students who transfer at unexpected times are in challenging circumstances and need transition support. I encourage you to support your school administrators in establishing strong communication and relationship protocols that support smooth student transitions. See the preamble and the rubric itself for further details.


Download: Transition_Self_Assessment_Rubrics_2019_03_23_tKS3ZjN.docx

Download: Transition_Self_Assessment_Rubrics_2019_03_23.pdf

Please feel free to adapt the rubric to your circumstances and if you have suggestions for improvement, please send that feed back to the PLT secretariat or contact Robert directly.


These documents are attached, but can also be found on Blackboard at this location. If the link does not work, copy and paste the following locator into your web browser. Please note that you will have to be logged into Blackboard in order for these links to work.  


Thank you for your support in this work.

Download: Transition_Self_Assessment_Rubrics_2019_03_23.docx

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