3D Plastecine Saskatchewan Collaborative Map Game

3D Plastecine Saskatchewan Collaborative Map Game

This year my professional Development SMART Goal was to use cross-curricular instruction strategies in the classroom when pertaining to English Language Arts activities. Consequently, I have merged the Grade ¾ Social Studies Curricular outcomes with the ELA curricular outcomes. This is a Unit plan that I have created to teach the students about the province of Saskatchewan. Some highlights include the following; 1. Using graffiti Charts as a pre-assessor. 2. Discovering research techniques about their own formulated questions. Utilizing ABC Brainstorm 3. Making a Destination Road Map and Puzzle of Saskatchewan 4. Reading Saskatchewan based Literature and creating Pop-up books 5. Creating Mind-Maps of Saskatchewan topics of Study 6. Designing a Life-size Plastecine 3-D Collaborative Saskatchewan Map Game with their own question based upon the mind-map 7. Presenting their Game and own Social Studies examination. 

Download: 3D_Plastecine_Saskatchewan_Collaborative_Map_Game.pdf

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