Script Writing and Video Production

ELA/Computer 7: Script Writing and Video Production

I collaborated with the computer/visual arts teacher to design a social and computer/visual arts assignment. Our focus was to encourage creativity and give students an opportunity for collaboration. Creativity occurred in all stages of the process. Students had to be creative in the planning stages. They were given the task to choose a common children’s fairy tale and come up with ideas on how to make it a parody. They then had to write their own scripts together which takes an immense amount of creativity to create something entirely from one’s imagination. Because it was a humour unit, they were also tasked with coming up with elements of humour both non-verbal and verbal whether it be witty, dark, silly etc. Finally, they then filmed their scripts either on a green screen or a shadow screen which takes creativity not only to create the video but by learning how to adapt one’s vision into something more realistic. 

Download: English_and_Computers_7_Script_Writing_and_Video_Production_Katie_Hardin_RCHS.docx

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