Wire Tree Creations

 CP4.8 Create art works using a variety of visual art concepts (e.g., organic shapes), forms (e.g., kinetic sculpture, mural), and media (e.g., wood, wire, and found objects). 

Preparation: The class was given the opportunity to brainstorm creations they could make using wire and other found objects Incubation: Over the course of a couple days students would be given periods of time during art class to continue brainstorming and mull over their ideas. Students were encouraged to just think using their imagination and not to try and come to a conclusion or solution. Illumination: Some students struggled with this concept and so I allowed them to use the internet and books to research some crafts they could make with wire. Many student used Pinterest to gain inspiration. I didn’t mind as I believe it is OK to get inspiration from sources outside oneself.

Download: Leah_Baratta_Wire_Tree_Creations_Rubric.pdf

Download: Wire_Tree_Creations_Leah_Baratta.pdf

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