Visually Representing the Emotional Path of a Character

Visually Representing the Emotional Path of a Character

Students recently studied a longer text and I wanted a cumulative project for them to demonstrate skills of Representing. I had seen a poster that showed paint chip colours to represent the highs and lows of parenting, with the emotional journey going from being a new parent to more experienced parent. I loved the idea of having to identify the changes of a person’s experience and represent it through colour, so we used that poster as inspiration for this project in ELA.  

Students had to review the plot events of the movie, identify x number of specific events (we picked 21 so it was thorough), and then choose the colour they individually felt best represented how the character would have felt during that event. For example, at one point the character is accused of being a Communist sympathizer; students could have identified dark colours to relay the tension the character would have felt in that moment. Because students used an app for the project, they created unique colours, rather than just picking blue or yellow; their yellow was their own tone of yellow, so the individualization of each image is absolutely unique. 

Download: Visually_Repressenting_the_Emotional_Path_of_a_Character.pdf

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