Creating Board Games

Grade 1-4: Creating Board Games

I decided that we would collaborate and think creatively in our own classroom. We brainstormed on the SMART board and created KWL charts about each organ: the brain, the heart, and the lungs. From there I decided to use a board game as their assessment. Together again we created a SMART board list of what things needed to be included in a board game. After that I printed off the list and they had to fill it out. Once they had filled out all of the required areas they were allowed to start creating their board games. They used items from both school and home to develop their board games. We have a class set of laptops so they we eager to use those to type out instructions and rules. Once we were all finished our games we set out to play them. The students assessed each other’s games based on a 5 point rubric. They had a blast and learned a lot too!

Download: Gr_1-4_Creating_Board_Games_-_Greschner.docx

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