Viking Settlement Community Artifact 2015/16

Viking Settlement Community Artifact 2015/16

This is a project that was completed in grade 3 Social Studies class on building a Viking Settlement/Community. It met the following outcomes

Outcome: IN3.1 Analyze daily life in a diversity of communities.
Outcome: IN3.2 Analyze the cultures and traditions in communities studied.
Outcome: DR3.2 Assess the degree to which the geography and related environmental and climatic factors influence ways of living on and with the land.
Outcome: PA3.1 Compare how decisions are made in the local community and communities studied.
Outcome: RW3.1 Appraise the ways communities meet their members’ needs and wants.
Outcome: RW3.2 Analyze the creation and distribution of wealth in communities studied.
Outcome: CC3.4 Write to communicate ideas, information, and experiences pertaining to a topic by creating easy-to-follow writing (including a short report, a procedure, a letter, a story, a short script, and a poem) with a clear purpose, correct paragraph structure, and interesting detail.
Outcome: CR3.1 Comprehend and respond to a variety of grade-level texts (including contemporary and traditional visual, oral, written, and multimedia) that address: identity (e.g., Spreading My Wings) community (e.g., Hand in Hand) social responsibility (e.g., All Together) and make comparison with personal experiences.

Download: Viking_Settlement_Grade_3_Soical.pdf

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