Using the Volcaroo Program to Record Children’s Books and Convey Voice and Character

Using the Volcaroo Program to Record Children’s Books  and Convey Voice and Character

Summary :

The students used their voice to convey the characters from Jonathan London Froggy books for the Kindergarten students.


CP6.4 Initiate and develop roles in selected drama forms (radio drama).

b.  Use language to achieve a dramatic purpose when speaking

c.  Assume different types of roles and fictional identities in drama work.

d.  Demonstrate a willingness to take risk in developing new roles.

e.  reflect on, and explain, how the various roles function and express different identities within the work.

f.  Draw on own life experience and imagination when speaking and representing ideas in a role.

Download: Using_Volcaroo_Program_to_Record_Children_Linda.docx

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