TV Reality Show PBL

TV Reality Show PBL

Students are a team of television producers.  They have been asked to create a reality show that has the participants engage in challenges, tasks, choices and survival type situations. The reality show will consist of 3 - 5 episodes. The team will end the project with a brief presentation to a room of entertainment executives to "pitch" their show and a 20 –60 second commercial or promotional video of their show.

This PBL was created to extend student learning from the unit “Finding the Courage”.  Specifically, my students studied the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, and I wanted to create a meaningful connection for them that attaches to real-world situations.  Students are competing against their other classmates to create the best possible Reality TV show, as well as they are utilizing critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and computer and digital technologies. 

Download: TV_Reality_Show_PBL.docx

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