The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson

The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson

In order for you to effectively complete this assignment you will need to work collaboratively will all group members.  As well, you will need to think critically about the statement.  As you have discussion, consider all sides before making a decision.  You will need to take a stand both individually and as a group.  Your opinions matter, so don’t sit back and let others force your opinion.  You have the oOutcomes
CR A30.1  Read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade appropriate Saskatchewan texts that address identity, social responsibility, and social action.
CR A30.3  Listen to, comprehend, and develop coherent and plausible interpretations of grade appropriate literary texts created by Saskatchewan speakers and authors.
CC A30.1  Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore identity, social responsibility, and social action.
CC A30.3  Present and express a range of ideas through the use of discussions and collaborative work.
AR A30.1  Assess own work for precision, clarity, and artistry.pportunity to have a voice!   

Download: The_Secret_Lives_of_Sgt_John_Wilson_Todays_Meet.pdf

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