Story Telling/Story Acting

Story Telling/Story Acting

Outcomes Art CPK.2 Explore a variety of drama strategies including: • role • imaging • parallel play • journeys • meetings. CPK.4 Create art works that express own observations and ideas about the world.
ELA CRK.1 Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address identity (e.g., exploring interests), community (e.g., belonging), and social responsibility (e.g., contributing). CRK.2 View and interpret the basic message of visuals and objects in a variety of texts including models, photographs, dramas, dance creations, and videos. CRK.3 Listen, comprehend, and respond to gain meaning in oral texts.  CRK.4 Comprehend, retell, and respond to basic ideas in stories, poems, songs, and informational texts read to them. CCK.1 Compose and create various visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore and present thoughts, ideas, and experiences CCK.2 Use and construct symbols, pictures, and dramatizations to communicate feelings and ideas in a variety of ways. CCK.3 Use oral language to converse, engage in play, express ideas, and share personal experiences.
Social Studies PAK.1 Understand and respect the agreed-upon rules of the classroom, playground, and school, and recognize that rules and expectations are designed to promote a state of safety, selfregulation, peace, balance, and harmony PAK.2 Recognize situations in which disagreement may be part of living, studying, and working together, and that resolution may be an avenue to progress to a state of peace, balance, and harmony. 

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