PTSD Assignment - What is it?

PTSD Assignment - What is it?


Before Reading – Previous knowledge about PTSD 

During Reading - Go through the assignment and answer the questions.  You will need to read through the brochure first to get a good understanding of PTSD.   

After Reading - Read the personal account and answer questions based on her personal experiences. 

Materials to read:

Phillip's Personal Story

PTSD Brochure


Using the brochure, answer the following questions.  Answer in Full Sentences.

Before Reading:

1.     Have you ever heard of PTSD? 

2.     Have you seen any movies that talk about PTSD? 

3.     What comes to mind when you think of PTSD?

During Reading:

Part 1: Read the brochure and answer the questions below.

4.     What does PTSD stand for?

5.     What is the definition of PTSD?

6.     What are some examples of traumatic events? (Give 3)

7.     What are some symptoms of PTSD?

8.     What do some people do to cope with PTSD?

9.     Which types of jobs are at the highest risk of experiencing PTSD?

10.  What are some ways to help a loved one with PTSD?

11.  Who can you contact if you need more help with PTSD?

After Reading:

Part 2: Please answer the following questions in full sentences.  You can also use the information from the brochure to help you.

1.     What life-altering events lead to Philips’ PTSD?

2.     If you were a friend of Philips, what kinds of symptoms could you have seen in her that could possibly identify that she had a disorder?

3.     What steps did Philips take to rebuild her life?

4.     According to Philips, is her PTSD cured?  Do you think PTSD can be cured?  Why or why not?

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