Create Character Trading Cards Book Report or Novel Study

Create Character Trading Cards Book Report or Novel Study

This is a fun activity for students that collect trading cards.  It takes a bit of work, but it is well worth it.  Visit readwritethink to create the cards.  You will have to be patient, and use screen captures and cropping to print the cards and have students glue them together (unless the site has changed since I last used it!).  Train one tech-smart student how to do this, and let them be in charge of helping everyone else that selects this activity if possible.  You will probably be restricted to printing your cards in black and white, but then you can always have your students colour them and glue them onto coloured paper to add some colour.
If fussing with the web site does not appeal to you - you could always make your own template as an MSWord document, or have the kids make them by hand instead as well.
An example of a Grade 5 level assignment is included below as well as an example.

This document has details about the assignment. 

Download: trading_cards_assignment.doc

This is an example of a trading card.

Download: trading_card_example.docx

This is a link to the trading card creator.

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