Collaborative Folk Fest Project

Collaborative Folk Fest Project

All year long we study the grade 7 social studies outcomes and explore the relationships between Canada and other Pacific Rim countries. We also spend a significant amount of time on proper paragraph and essay structure in expository writing.  There is no greater motivation for the kids than this folk fest project we complete at the end of the year. They work collaboratively with a partner to research, ask questions, and explore the culture of a Pacific Rim country they choose. They must complete the outline, cite their sources, and hand in an essay portion as a partnership. Next, the real fun begins. Exploring the extras is a favourite time because it involves pictures, videos, artifacts, and food! Amazingly, my students have had the privilege of being the 1:1 classroom this year and will be able to incorporate technology in their presentations. We learned how to use several programs like Prezi, Zondle, and One True Media that they can use to add creativity and excitement to their folk fest display. The culmination of their hard work is a full morning where parents and classes alike can walk through and learn from the students about Pacific Rim countries. Once they have finished teaching others, all of the delicious food artifacts are shared in a potluck where we can debrief the morning.

Download: Soc20_Collaborative_Timeline_Project_-_Wolfmueller.pdf

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