Physical Education 8 - Critical Thinking and Creativity in Designing a Personal Skill Related Fitness Plan

Physical Education 8 - Critical Thinking and Creativity in Designing a Personal Skill Related Fitness Plan

My plan for  my 21st century competency dealt with critical thinking and creativity in designing a personal  skill related fitness plan in my Physical Education 8 class.  The assignment I had the students complete was a personal plan in an area, of a sport or activity, that they struggled in.  Students were encouraged to develop skills in an activity or sport they enjoyed. 

 This was determined in order to develop a physical education program that was designed for their needs.  In order to develop this skill plan, students were taught about the components of skill related fitness, different types of muscle fibers, and different planning methods (i.e. F.I.T.T.) in class one. 

 They were then given two classes to work on their plan.  Throughout the year, they were given class time to work on their own plans and practice what they had put down on paper.

Created by: Mitchell Wintonyk

Download: fitness_plan_critical_thinking_creativity_1.docx

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