Principles of Flight Design Project

Science 6: Principles of Flight Design Project

The grade 6 students completed their unit of study on principles of flight. As an end of unit project, they were asked to create a working prototype of a flying object. The students were given a couple of examples from the textbook (page 208 & 213) of objects they could create. These examples were given to encourage the students to think of ideas and gear them on the right track. Therefore, they were asked not to use these examples (although the students that had trouble thinking of their own project were able to use them). As a class, we agreed upon the required performance criteria. The students were then given a handout to fill in as they built their prototype. This handout was to be handed in once the project was completed. An assessment rubric was also given. The students were asked to write a paragraph on each of the assessment rubric categories, explaining how their prototype met that particular category. Next the students were given a few classes to work on their prototype. Once completed, the students were asked to give a presentation where they would describe their project and demonstrate it.  The project was assessed using the criteria set out by the students and the rubrics in the teacher’s guide.

Download: Flight_Janelle_Kahovec_2.pdf

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