Social Studies 2: Community Collaboration Using iPad/iMovie

Social Studies 2: Community Collaboration Using iPad/iMovie

The three Grade 2 classes at OES were divided into small groups, to produce a video of the services offered by the Jim Kook Recreation Complex in Outlook, Sk.  Each group was given an area of the recplex that provides a recreational service to the community.  These included curling rink, bowling alley, archery, etc.  Students began with an activity to describe their specific area.  Teachers had provided a screen shot within each area for eatery student. Students were then given the opportunity to practice taking video with the iPad.  The next step was to visit the recplex and have each child video their specific screen shot.  This was planned around an afternoon of Bowling and Skating for the Grade Two students.  Each group was pulled from their activity to shoot their video. At a later date, students were given the opportunity to edit and voice over their video footage.  This worked well when all the students were doing an art activity with one teacher, and the other two teachers were able to pull the students in small groups to do the editing.

Download: Gr_2_Community_iMovie_-_Britnell_Mahoney_Norrish_2.pdf

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