Geological Events

Geological Events

This lesson covers the following outcomes: Outcome 7.1 – I can explore how movement and forces in the Earth’s crust, including earthquakes, volcanoes and mountainbuilding, has added to the development of the theory of plate tectonics. 7.1 d. I can compare and contrast some of the catastrophic events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions) of the past by on my own. 7.1 h. I can describe how scientists measure the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes (e.g. seismology, Richter scale). 7.1 i. I can give examples of ways that science and technology can help reduce the effects of catastrophic events on people and communities (e.g. building codes in earthquake zones, earthquake readiness training, reducing the effect of a volcanic eruption).

Download: Sci_7_Geological_Events_Project_-_Chambers.pdf

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