Cross Curricular Collaboration & Critical Thinking

Cross Curricular Collaboration & Critical Thinking

In our unit on forces and simple machines we incorporated many different uses of technology. During our unit the students were given an opportunity to work collaboratively and think critically. After learning all about simple machine and forces, my class had to collaboratively design a fair test that would explore one of type of force. Each group created a fair a test and designed and collected materials to carry out this experiment. They also had to create a tool to record their results. During their experiment we had 3 adults with iPads who walked around the room videoing as the students explained their findings. This allowed us to check their understanding at this point. Some ways we used technology throughout this unit - Used as an instructional tool - Students used to share their results - Shared results through pictures and videos - Present Data - Generate class discussions - Final Assessment (students created a PowerPoint) 

Download: Sci_5_Cross_Curricular_Collaboration_and_Critical_Thinking__Palmer.pdf

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