Rocks and Minerals

Rocks and Minerals

To work collaboratively in small groups and as a whole class, to compose a list of leveled questions to ask Austin.

Students will use Bloom’s Taxonomy Flip Chart for Critical Thinking to assist in leveling questions.

 -Come up with 3 questions that you could ask, based on what we have studied in our rocks and minerals unit.

-Write down the level of question you believe it is.

-In groups of 3, use your flip charts to discuss each of your questions from Step 1.

-You must agree on what level you are going classify each  question as.

-After leveling questions, take your sheets to the charts posted at the front of the room. Put a checkmark under the level of question that you designated each as. (9 checkmarks/group)

Download: Grade_4_Science_Rocks__Minerals_-_Jodi._B_Eston.pptx

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