Literature Circles in Lord of the Flies

Literature Circles in Lord of the Flies

For my artifact, I incorporated literature circles into the reading of the novel, Lord of the Flies. The first step in this process was to introduce the roles to the students and to explain what was expected of them. Then, I split the students into their groups of four using a random group generator (groups can be adjusted based on numbers, but four worked best in my class). Once students knew what was expected of them, they talked with their group members to determine who was doing what role for the first two chapters. From there, we would read two chapters and I would allow the students time to complete their role sheet (I also encouraged them to do this as they were reading along, especially for quotes and vocab) and then they would meet with their group to share their role with the other members. As the teacher, I would circulate between the groups while they were sharing to listen to them and to provide any input/clarifications. We would then repeat this process after each two chapters (there are 12 chapters in total in the novel). 

Download: Literature_Circles_Lord_of_the_Flies.pdf

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