Love your heart / FITT Principles

Love your heart / FITT Principles

If your heart is healthy it will be able to work for a very long time. It is up to you to keep your heart healthy. Your heart will like it if you: 1. Exercise every day You need to exercise your heart by making it work harder for at least 30 minutes a day. Our topics on 'Fitness' and 'Exercise' will show you how 2. Eat a healthy diet Too much fatty food will block up the arteries with fat and your heart will have to work harder and harder just to do its regular job of pumping blood round your body. See our topics in the 'Your food' category to learn about the foods your body needs and what your heart likes 3. Drink lots of water every day rather than fizzy drinks 4. Make good choices as you grow older. You can choose not to smoke, not to take illegal drugs and not to drink too much alcohol

Download: Love_Your_Heart_and_FITT_Principles_Melissa_Yuhasz.pdf

Created by: Melissa Yuhasz

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