Perspective Art - Depth
1. Draw 6 rectangles of various sizes on a sheet of 12" x 18" drawing paper.
2. Connect the X (vanishing point) to each corner of the rectangles.
Start with the closest rectangles. Pretend you are shooting a laser
from the X to the corners. If you can't see the corner, you don't have
a "clear shot".
3. Draw lines that have a "clear shot" - overlap when necessary
4. Colour the face of each block a different colour. Colour the
perspective part of each rectangle the same colour ad the rectanglue but
with a lighter hue
Next steps: Three-dimensional perspective technique can be
applied to another project. Some suggestions are:
Gr. 4 Saskatchewan – simple buildings, farm machinery, FNMI symbols
Gr. 5 pop culture – sports symbols, graffiti art
Gr. 6 identity and its influences – student initials, symbols drawn on
shapes that represent their youth/identity