Visual Art- Importance of Place

Outcome CP7.10

Create visual art works that express ideas about the importance of place (e.g. Relationship to the land, local geology, region, urban/rural landscape and environment

Download: Grade_6_and_7_Art_Assignment-_wendy_co-constructing.docx

Download: Grade_6_and_7_Art_Assignment.docx

Study of the Canadian Group of Seven


1.     Students will do and oral presentation about their Group of Seven artist

-         Points to include are who, what, where, when, style, types of art, favourite medium of art, how long he belonged to the group,

-         Include at least three examples of their art work – books would be awesome (wheatland library, Rossville library, colour printouts from home)

2.     Student will complete 2 replicas of their artist.  These will be done with water colour, tempra, charcoal or pastel.

3.    Students will be prepared to explain the importance of place as given in the above outcome.

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