Word Wall & PWIM

Word Wall & PWIM Activities

The following is a blank print out of the game "Bingo" and "Wordo" that could be used with word wall words.

Download: BINGO_-_25_9.docx

Download: WORDO_-_25_16_9_1.docx

The following are two portable word walls. 

Download: Portable_Word_Wall_-_Dolch_Words.pdf

Download: Portable_Word_Wall.pdf

The following is a "making words" chart.

Download: Making_Words_Chart.pdf

The following is a word wall wordsearch layout.

Download: Word_Wall_Word_Search_-_100_64_49.docx

The following is a dice game to play with your word wall. You roll the dice and find a corresponding word with the number you rolled.

Download: Word_Wall_Game.docx

Image of the Week activity:

A nonfiction routine and ritual that students will love is called "Image of the Week." Choose one day of the week (e.g. Wednesday) and post an image of interest on a bulletin board in the classroom. The image might be a photograph, diagram, drawing, or map -- it varies each week. Student interests, topics of study, current events, or unique images can be just a few of the reasons images are chosen for "Image of the Week." You as a teacher can select the images to post.  Give the students the opportunity to submit images for the activity as well.

Download: Image_of_the_Week.docx

Text Talk activity:

Text Talk is an approach to read alouds that is designed to enhance children’s ability to construct meaning from decontextualized language.

Download: Text_Talk.docx

Hinky Pinky:

This word game can be used to help your students practice syllable, rhyming word, and synonym skills.   The object of the game is simple.  Given a clue, students must guess the two word answer.  The trick is that the answer contains two words that are equal in the number of syllables and rhyme.   

Download: Hinky_Pinky.docx

The following word wall sentence print out allows students to choose words from the word wall, write a sentence including it and draw a picture.

Download: Word_Wall_Sentences.docx

The following is a powerpoint with tips about using word walls and PWIM.

Download: Word_Walls_And_PWIM_1.pptx

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