Microsite Administrative Panel Resource Management

Introduction to the Course Related Materials Admin Panel

Course Related Materials is the terminology used to refer to resource records that have been submitted to OER Commons. Course Related Materials consist of a resource URL, and associated metadata. 

The Course Related Materials Admin Panel is where you will manage records which have been submitted by users, or uploaded in bulk via CSV.  Here, Admin users can:

  • add individual records
  • import or export bulk records
  • adjust metadata
  • publish or reject submitted resources
  • deaccession and remove broken records
  • check URL status to identify broken records 

Course Related Materials Admin Panel
Course Related Materials Admin Panel
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Course Related Materials Admin Panel

Reviewing User Submitted Resources

To view user submitted resources, first go to the WI-DPI Course Related Material Admin Panel at https://sws.oercommons.org/admin/materials/course/.  To check resources that have been submitted by users, choose "Pending" from the "By Workflow state" filters in the right hand side bar.  

Admin Panel Workflow Controls
Admin Panel Workflow Controls
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Admin Panel Workflow Controls

Click on an individual record to view it and check to make sure that the required fields are filled in accurately: Title, URL, Abstract, Keywords, General Subject, Grade sub-level, Primary User, Material Type. Media Format, Language, and License Name. Content Creation Date, Grade, License URL, License Description, Copyright Holder, Author, Provider, and Provider Set are all optional fields. For an in-depth look at these fields and their values please consult this 

Adding Individual Records

To add an individual record, navigate to https://sws.oercommons.org/admin/materials/course/add/. Fill in appropriate and accurate metadata for the required fields of Title, URL, Abstract, Keywords, General Subject, Grade sub-level, Primary User, Material Type. Media Format, Language, and License Name.Content Creation Date, Grade, License URL, License Description, Copyright Holder, Author, Provider, and Provider Set are all optional fields. For a more in-depth explanation of these fields please consult this Google Sheet. To publish your record select "Published" from the "Workflow State" drop-down menu, then select "Save" at the bottom of the screen.

Add individual records
Add individual records
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Add individual records

Bottom of Add page with "Save" buttons highlighted.
Bottom of Add page with "Save" buttons highlighted.
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Bottom of Add page with "Save" buttons highlighted.

Importing Multiple Records via .csv File

To import multiple records via .csv file, first you will need to fill out a .csv file with appropriate metadata in all required fields. To import your .csv file, first navigate to https://sws.oercommons.org/admin/materials/course/import/. Then click "Choose File" and select the appropriate .csv file from your computer. In the case of importing new records, all update policies can be set to "overwrite." If .csv import is being used to update records rather than create new ones, users have the option to either overwrite, merge, or keep fields the same. Users should be careful when overwriting fields for existing records - make sure that any changes made are accurate. Merging is convenient when you want to add to existing metadata -- for example, adding a single keyword to a group of records.

Top of the import .csv interface
Top of the import .csv interface
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Top of the import .csv interface

Bottom of csv import panel with "import" button circled.
Bottom of csv import panel with "import" button circled.
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Bottom of csv import panel with "import" button circled.

Deaccessioning Records

While updating your database, sometimes records become outdated. If this is the case they can be "deaccessioned," or taken down from visibility on the main site. Deacessioning is preferable to deleting because it maintains the record and its metadata without end users being able to see the record. To deaccession a record simply find it in the search bar at https://sws.oercommons.org/admin/materials/course/, select it, and choose "Deaccession selected items" from the drop down menu.

Deaccessioning a recor
Deaccessioning a record
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Deaccessioning a recor

Edit Multiple Records via .csv file

In the case of systematic errors, bulk changes can be made to metadata by using a .csv file. The first step is to export the .csv file of the offending resources. This can be done in the user interface or the admin panel. To export your .csv file in the user, check the boxes next to individual records or check the box above your list of records to export all of them. In the drop-down menu to the right, select "Export CSV (Course Related Materials)."

Export .csv file
Export .csv file
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Export .csv file

To export a .csv from the admin panel, select individual records by checking boxes or check the box above your list of records to export all of them in the list. Next, select "Export .csv" from the drop down menu on the right and click on the button that says "Go." 

Export .csv using the admin panel.
Export .csv using the admin panel.
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Export .csv using the admin panel.

You can then make global metadata changes in your spreadsheet and then follow the instructions for importing a .csv file. Note: when updating URLs, do not paste new URLs into or update the CR_URL field. This will create a new set of records. Instead, start a column titled CR_NEW_URL and paste or type updates into this.

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