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  • genetic-screening
Biology 30- Genetic Disorder Assessment- Alix Tuffs
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I created this assessment to end our genetics unit. This assessment allowed students to apply the knowledge they had gained throughout the unit. It connects to the 21st Century C's by encouraging critical thinking (for example one student further investigated her own colourblindess), it encouraged development of literacy skills as the students researched complex disorders on their own and provided a framework for communication and technology skills through the presentation. I presented this assessment using a Still Alice hook - "If your mother was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's would you take the test". I think this encouraged students to select a disorder/genetic issue based on their own interests and perhaps a genetic disorder in their family. Allowing the students to also use pharmaceutical and agriculture genetic cases created a broader focus enhancing the diversity of presentations.

Established Goals:

Students will…..

Foundational Learning Objective 3.2 (discussing examples of current uses of DNA in agriculture and pharmaceutical industries)

Foundational Learning Objective 2.9 (Discuss several human genetic disorders)

Foundational Learning Objective 3.3 (discuss the techniques of genetic screening).

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