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Open Access Assets Agriculture Production (Cow/Calf) A10/A20

This collection houses assets (or resources) from Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre's Agriculture Production (Cow/Calf) A10, A20 & A30 courses. 

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The Canadian Beef Supply Chain
0.0 stars

The beef supply chain in Canada consists of many different sectors working together collaboratively. From farmers and ranchers to the essential workers in transportation, processing, and retail, it takes a team to produce world-class Canadian beef! Learn more about how beef makes it to your plate.

Agriculture Studies
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
Raising Canadian Beef
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Canadian Cattle Identification Agency
0.0 stars

The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) is an industry-initiated and led, not-for-profit organization incorporated to establish a national livestock identification program to support efficient traceback and containment of serious animal health and food safety concerns in the Canadian livestock industry.

Agriculture Production
Agriculture Studies
Cow/Calf Production
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
Canadian Cattle Identification Agency
Date Added:
Canadians have been breaking their promises to Indigenous people
0.0 stars

In 1876, Treaty 6 negotiations ended with promises of health care, education, hunting rights and freedom in exchange for sharing the land to the depth of a plough. Instead, the Canadian government passed the Indian Act which pushed Indigenous people onto reserves. Violence and hunger were used to force assimilation and colonialism when leaders like Big Bear and Poundmaker tried to fight back.

This video is part of a longer version of nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up, a documentary from CBC Docs. Here, Hubbard tells the story of Colten Boushie, a young Cree man who died from a gunshot wound to the back of the head after entering Gerald Stanley’s property with friends. The trial and acquittal of Stanley raised questions about racism in Canada’s legal system.

Agriculture Studies
Indigenous Perspectives
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
CBC Docs
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Career Profile: Artificial Insemination (AI) Technician
0.0 stars

Meet Drew Tyler, an Artificial Insemination Technician at EastGen!

In his role, Drew travels to farms to breed cattle, breeding 15-30 cows per day. He works with dairy producers from multiple farms, helping them with their operations.

To become an Artificial Insemination Technician, you will need a high school diploma. Also, a degree in Animal, Poultry or Equine Sciences would be beneficial but not necessary.

Most AI Technicians are self-employed, but some larger companies may hire them as well.

Agriculture Production
Agriculture Studies
Cow/Calf Production
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
Date Added:
Career Profile: Veterinary Technician
0.0 stars

Meet Courtney Swann, a Veterinary Technician with Hogendoorn Dairy!

As a Veterinary Technician, Courtney is responsible for providing health care to the animals. This involves injury/illness treatment, performing x-rays, tests, surgeries and much more!

To become a Veterinary Technician, you will need a degree in Veterinary Technology or Animal Science. More research-based positions may require a Bachelor’s degree.

Typical employers include veterinary clinics, university research farms, diagnostic laboratories, zoos, animal control facilities and wildlife preserves.

Agriculture Production
Agriculture Studies
Cow/Calf Production
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
Date Added:
Codes of Practice for the care and handling of beef cattle
0.0 stars

The Codes of Practice are guidelines for the care and handling of farm animals. The Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle provides recommendations and best practices for the humane treatment of livestock.

Agriculture Production
Agriculture Studies
Cow/Calf Production
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
National Farm Animal Care Council
Date Added:
Everything is Connected
0.0 stars

Everything is connected. What each of us does has a profound impact on every living creature. Our health and wholeness is written upon the land and dependent on each other.

We support Indigenous communities and businesses who are open or are planning to receive visitors. We respect those who remain closed. We honour Indigenous languages and speakers for holding the knowledge of this beautiful land and a blueprint for balance and wellness upon it.

We invite you to reflect on these precious resources as you take a video journey across Indigenous lands in British Columbia. We will sit together in beauty again.

Agriculture Studies
Indigenous Perspectives
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
Indigenous Tourism BC
Date Added:
Farm Stress: You Are Not Alone
0.0 stars

Unpredictable weather, heavy workloads and financial worries can sometimes take their toll on farm families and lead to mental and emotional distress, substance abuse, anxiety, depression and even suicide. Caring for their own health and wellness is often overlooked, but is just as critical as caring for their farm business. Farmers, agricultural agencies and health professionals offer guidance and resources to help cope with farm stress. Please note that this video does mention sensitive topics including suicide.

Agriculture Studies
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
Douglas County Kansas
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Fire Prevention- Barn Fire Safety
0.0 stars

It is possible to reduce the risk of fire on a farm by implementing best management practices as part of the routine operating procedures. County of Brant fire prevention officers Tom and Doug have some lessons, tips and best practices to help reduce the risk of a barn fire on your property.

Agriculture Studies
Cow/Calf Production
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
County of Brant
Date Added:
Go slow to get ahead with low stress cattle handling
0.0 stars

Veterinarian Dr. Kip Lukasiewicz, head of animal handling, field research and facility design for Production Animal Consultation, was on hand at this summer’s Canadian Beef Industry Conference, in London, ON, to demonstrate the tools you need to incorporate low-stress cattle handling on your ranch.

Agriculture Production
Agriculture Studies
Cow/Calf Production
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
Real Agriculture
Date Added:
Heat Detection by Tail Painting
0.0 stars

Heat detection is key for achieving your herd’s targets this breeding season. Most cows will display signs of heat between the hours of 9pm and 7am so relying on observation alone to identify cows in heat could easily result in cows being missed. Tara Heaney, Teagasc KT Walsh Scholar, Teagasc Navan, explains here that tail painting is an easy and effective aid that can help you achieve a high heat detection rate.

Agriculture Production
Agriculture Studies
Cow/Calf Production
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
Date Added: