October 15th PM Meeting Information

by Ashley Greschner 4 years, 6 months ago

Hello Ladies,

On Tuesday in the afternoon we are asked to meet online as a PLC for a brief amount of time to update eachother on what our plans are for the remainder of the year. As we decided at our first meeting we would all pick an idea that was presented and then try it in our own practice. On Tuesday we can share what idea we are going to go forward with and how we plan to get there. After that it would be a time to plan and prepare resources to meet that goal. It may also be benifincial to reach out to the teacher who shared the resource you plan to use and find out more information. You could do this via phone call, email, or another Skype meeting. 

I will send an email inviting you to a Skype meeting. If you are from a school where there were a few of you in our grade 3 PLC it would be helpful to all log onto the same computer or ipad to help with bandwith. I will also share how to log on. Your computer will need a camera and a mic. If you don't have a camera it is ok, the mic is the most important. This is new to me too so we will see how it works!

If it is an epic fail please write in the discussion which teacher/idea you would like to work on and what your plan is to get there. 

BELOW are the Skype instructions. I will include them in the invitation email as well. Cross your fingers! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!

Janelle Kahovec 4 years, 6 months ago

I  have been given permission to go to an appointment Tuesday and will not be back to the school until 1:30/1:45. If I miss the Skype meeting I apologize!! I will definitely write in the discussion what my plan is for the year.