Group 2 ELA

by Shannon Dimitroff 4 years, 8 months ago

Kindergarten PLC 

Group 2  -  Linda Haas, Taryn Fries, Shannon Dimitroff, Donna Pearson,  Val Pennington,   

Leah Baratta, Tracey Walzak 



Listening: No Side Bars     Stay on time  

Participation:  Sharing of tasks    Email if absent for our meetings.  Contact our PLC group by email by choosing “reply all” to the group email. 

Time Norms:  As per PLC division set times 

Confidentiality:   Encourage reflection and outside collaboration to share back with our group 

Decision Making - Reach decisions by consensus.  If requested we can Vote    ie sticky activity ilearn, welearn, youlearn.   

Expectations:   Norms will be read before each meeting.  Tasks will be noted and chosen.     






By May 19th we will have collaborated and created a working document for a Kindergarten writing continuum.   

Specific:  A Working Document 

Measurable: We will have created a continuum that we would compare with student’s writing  

Achievable: We will have time at the meetings to peruse resources and compare continuums.  We will have devices to research online and ask to print any documents if needed.   

Relevant: The continuum is not just a number 1-4 and will better communicate the student’s skills 

Timely: The working copy will allow us to research and reflect during this PLC collaboration times.   

Presently, there is not a Kindergarten writing continuum in place.   

Potential Obstacles 

Potential Solutions 

Finding resources,  

Emailing various divisions to see what they have  

Sharing  Resources 

Asking to photo copy items 

Report card under review and for the whole province, possibly wanting a rubric assigned to writing 

Possibly waiting but focusing more on stages of writing.    

Needing more time or research 

Creating a plan and making request for PeBL time  



Next Steps:   

Everyone bring a resource to share and research on the 27th  

Shannon will ask if there is a photo copier we could have access to if needed. 

Shannon will email our work from today for the group to proofread and respond to by replying to all for consensus.   

Shannon will email reminders