All resources in Outcome Based Math


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Math TV is an amazing collection of how-to videos in a variety of math subjects. Checking it out, I watched a video on how to multiply fractions and I (a teacher) learned a new method. Imagine what your students can learn.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

ShowMe - The Online Learning Community

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"ShowMe is a global learning community - a place where anyone can learn or teach anything. Our mission is to connect great teachers and experts to students across the world. The ShowMe iPad app lets you create lessons using a whiteboard." There are a wealth of pre-made tutorials other teachers have shared on this site that you can use. You can also create your own! (Or students can with permission). You do not need an account to view the shared tutorials/videos. They are organized into these categories: Math, Science, Language, Social Studies, Music & Art

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: ShowMe

Global Math Project - Random Acts of Mathematical Delight

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Math Videos "Use these teacher-recommended mathematical gems at random moments in your classroom. Here’s a collection of videos recommended by colleagues across the globe. Some pieces are short and make for excellent classroom starters. Some are longer for the odd ten- or fifteen- moments of class time. Some are longer still for full class activity."

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy