advice on how to fight boredom!

by Sam Raz 1 week, 5 days ago

I don't like to be at home on weekends. Free time at home is always a problem for me. Again I'll just be walking around the apartment doing nothing. Maybe someone has some great ideas? I don't want to be bored all weekend again. Anything that might seem interesting to me seems boring and uninteresting. Perhaps someone knows some useful online courses? It would help me to spend time in a useful way. Or any information about interesting events in the city? I'll be glad to have any advice on how to fight boredom!

Tori Visi 1 week, 5 days ago

It bothers you, too. It's complicated. Boredom is a very bad mood. It's been a problem for me, too. I've been trying to find something to do at home for a long time, but I don't have many ideas. I've found a solution for myself. It was boring at home, and I could not think of how to spend a vacation. I was helped by an article I recently read. It offered a lot of ideas for exciting pastimes at home. These tips helped not only to occupy my time, but also to gain new knowledge. I guarantee you will find a solution for you!

Peter Tron 1 week, 5 days ago

It really helped me. Now I don't even know how I would have enough time to do all the things I'm interested in now! After reading this article, I felt how relaxation and a new outlook on life gave me strength. Those problems that used to seem huge now don't bother me. If you have similar difficulties as the author, I recommend that article.