SCC Chair Networking Question 5 - Describe some of your most successful parent and community engagement events before and/or during the pandemic.

by Vicki Moore 3 years, 8 months ago

Reply with your most successful events before and/or during the pandemic.

Michelle McKillop 3 years, 7 months ago

Before Pandemic- Christmas turkey dinner at the school , family/community carnival event, Santas Hut

During Pandemic- Literacy week we did a Indigo books giveaway and also bought books for the classrooms, a school spirit day (dress as your favourite book character) and virtual book readings, pizza lunch for staff for Teacher Staff appreciation week

Amy Knuttila 3 years, 7 months ago

We use to always have a welcome bbq/ family dance that was open to all - families, community, future school families. In 2019 we switched it to a family pancake breakfast. Both were well attended and we had decided to try a fit both in the school year. We also started having a family/ community Christmas Bingo at the end of November, and had decided to switch that to Easter time last year but unfortunately schools closed in March, so we just did a family/community virtual bingo using Zoom last week and it was awesome! We had 40 families join us, we had ten variety baskets full of donations from local businesses, and had ten bingo games! One 7 yr old told her mom she enjoyed the bingo but really enjoyed seeing her friends with no mask! An eye opener on how much this is affecting them, we need to do more bingos I think!

Michelle McKillop 3 years, 7 months ago

Virutal Bingo, glad to hear it went well! I have seen some opther groups doign that and was curious how it would go. :)

Marcia McIvor 3 years, 6 months ago

A couple of activities that the Davidson SCC did in our elementary school, pre-Covid, which was received quite well were:

1. Mystery reader - Each SCC member picked a class from K - 6 and the SCC member was responsible for reaching out to community members asking them to be a mystery reader for that class.  The community member could bring a favorite kids book of their own or the SCC member would ask the school librarian to pick out a few age appropriate books for the community member to choose from and could read to the class.  The kids loved having different people come into their classrooms and often engaged with that community member asking them what they did for a living, if they liked it, etc etc.  This also gave our teachers a bit of a break during the day and the community members that read said they really enjoyed it and would do it again.  We will continue this when COVID rules lift

2. We Are All Raiders bulletin board - the SCC members reached out to past Davidson graduates and asked them a series of questions (favorite book, role model, occupation, favorite food, etc). The SCC members used a bulletin board in the elementary to post picutures of the past graduate and the answers they gave us.  The kids loved looking at the new "Raider" that was posted on the bullentin board.  We would like to do this for the High school students as well but our questions / answers would be focused more towards post secondary education, likes / dislikes about their career, what has their career path been etc. in hopes that it will create some interest in our students about what their future plans could be