Dissolving Liquids in Water

Dissolving Liquids in Water

Science Background:

·         Liquids have characteristic properties based on the molecules they are made of.

·         The properties of liquids depend on the attractions the molecules of the liquid have for each other and for other substances.

·         Liquids can dissolve certain other liquids, depending on the attractions between the molecules of both liquids.

·         Polar liquids, like water, dissolve other liquids which are polar or somewhat polar.

·         Polar liquids, like water, do not dissolve nonpolar liquids like oil.

Materials: Water, Vegetable oil, Isopropyl rubbing alcohol, 70%, Corn syrup, 3 Clear plastic cups, 3 Small cups, 3 Popsicle sticks or stirrers

Download: Dissolving_Liquids_in_Water.docx

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