Cake Decorating in the Classroom
PAA 9: Cake Decorating in the Classroom
Food Studies 7 and 8 students already have the basic background so I really
like Food Studies 9 to be all about creating – providing them with the end
result and having them think through the process to create that desired
result. So long as they are able to
explain their process
and meet the criteria there are few limitations put on them. Students view videos on cake decorating, we
discuss varieties of cakes, purposes for learning to cake decorate and do some
searches of different designs and ideas to get a feel for what they would like
to learn. We then get a cake decorator
in (locally we have 2!) and they do a demo of simple basics and they get time
to practice. We then have a Cake Boss
day where they decorate their cake in a time limit and are judged by volunteer