Students are introduced to the circulatory system with an emphasis on the …
Students are introduced to the circulatory system with an emphasis on the blood clotting process, including coagulation and the formation and degradation of polymers through their underlying atomic properties. They learn about the medical emergency of strokes the loss of brain function commonly due to blood clots including various causes and the different effects depending on the brain location, as well as blood clot removal devices designed by biomedical engineers.
Students are introduced to the circulatory system, the heart, and blood flow …
Students are introduced to the circulatory system, the heart, and blood flow in the human body. Through guided pre-reading, during-reading and post-reading activities, students learn about the circulatory system's parts, functions and disorders, as well as engineering medical solutions. By cultivating literacy practices as presented in this lesson, students can improve their scientific and technological literacy.
This video kicks off the blood vessels series. The concepts covered in …
This video kicks off the blood vessels series. The concepts covered in this video include: -The functions of the cardiovascular system -The components of the cardiovascular system -The major divisions of the cardiovascular system: pulmonary circuit and systemic circuit
Lesson 8 in our Cardiovascular System (Heart and Blood Vessels) series. This is part of our Anatomy and Physiology lecture series.
If this video helps you please be sure to LST -like subscribe and tell your friends. Your support helps us make more videos. For the complete series please visit
Heart and Blood Vessels Videos -Heart Fundamentals (14:01): -Layers of the Heart (14:02): -Chambers in the Heart (14:03): -Introduction to Blood Vessels (14:08): -Types of Blood Vessels (14:09): -Movement of Blood (14:11):
This videos looks at the three principles the control the functions of …
This videos looks at the three principles the control the functions of the cardiovascular system. We also look at blood flow, heart actions, blood volume, resistance to flow, blood viscosity and the hematocrit.
All of our videos can be found at
The concepts covered in this video include: -Blood flow -Heart actions -Blood volume -Resistance to flow -Blood viscosity -Hematocrit
Lesson 11 in our Cardiovascular System (Heart and Blood Vessels) series. This is part of our Anatomy and Physiology lecture series.
If this video helps you please be sure to LST -like subscribe and tell your friends. Your support helps us make more videos. For the complete series please visit
Heart and Blood Vessels Videos -Heart Fundamentals (14:01): -Layers of the Heart (14:02): -Chambers in the Heart (14:03): -Introduction to Blood Vessels (14:08): -Types of Blood Vessels (14:09): -Movement of Blood (14:11):
This videos looks at the different types of blood vessels in the …
This videos looks at the different types of blood vessels in the cardiovascular system.
The concepts covered in this video include: •Types of blood vessels •Arteries •Arterioles •Metarterioles •Capillaries •Venules •Veins •The tunics of the blood vessels •Tunica Intima/Tunica Interna •Tunica Media •Tunica Adventitia/Tunica Externa
Lesson 9 in our Cardiovascular System (Heart and Blood Vessels) series. This is part of our Anatomy and Physiology lecture series.
If this video helps you please be sure to LST -like subscribe and tell your friends. Your support helps us make more videos. For the complete series please visit
Heart and Blood Vessels Videos -Heart Fundamentals (14:01): -Layers of the Heart (14:02): -Chambers in the Heart (14:03): -Introduction to Blood Vessels (14:08): -Types of Blood Vessels (14:09): -Movement of Blood (14:11):
Following the steps of the engineering design process and acting as biomedical …
Following the steps of the engineering design process and acting as biomedical engineers, student teams use everyday materials to design and develop devices and approaches to unclog blood vessels. Through this open-ended design project, they learn about the circulatory system, biomedical engineering, and conditions that lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Students work as biomedical engineers to find liquid solutions that can clear …
Students work as biomedical engineers to find liquid solutions that can clear away polyvinyl acetate polymer "blood clots" in model arteries (made of clear, flexible tubing). Teams create samples of the "blood clot" polymer with different concentrations to discover the concentration of the model clot and then test a variety of liquids to determine which most effectively breaks down the model blood clot. Students learn the importance of the testing phase in the engineering design process, because they are only given one chance to present the team's solution and apply it to the model blood clot.
This lesson contains background about the blood vascular system and the heart. …
This lesson contains background about the blood vascular system and the heart. Also, the different sizes of capillaries, veins, and arteries, and how they affect blood flow through the system. We will then proceed to talk about the heart's function in the blood vascular system. This will lead into a discussion of heart valves, how they work and what might cause them to fail. Then we will discuss prosthetic heart valves.
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