This video explores chemical symbols and their meanings. It shows each of the symbols used in WHMIS and provides examples of these.
- Subject:
- Agriculture Production
- Agriculture Studies
- Cow/Calf Production
- Author:
- iHasco
- Date Added:
- 12/20/2023
This video explores chemical symbols and their meanings. It shows each of the symbols used in WHMIS and provides examples of these.
This video explores the ways that hazardous substances can enter your body and impact your health. This video could be used when teaching about chemical safety in PAA or agriculture safety-related units.
CCOHS webpage on Crowd Management provides valuable resources relevant to the Recreation and Entertainment tourism industry.
This video goes into detail about what actions should be taken in the event of a chemical spill. It talks about the steps as well as what to include in a chemical spill kit.
The label on a pesticide product tells the reader how to use it. Most importantly, it outlines how to use the product safely. This video highlights some important parts of a pesticide label, also known in Canada as Crop Protection products or Pest Control products.
The following resource contains the external assets (or resources) to accompany the Sask DLC Field Crop Production B10 / B20 / B30 courses. Please note that this is not the content of the course, but the external assets used to support and deliver it.