Bring the vocabulary of film to life through the processes of filmmaking. …
Bring the vocabulary of film to life through the processes of filmmaking. Students learn terminology and techniques simultaneously as they plan, film, and edit a short video.
TWENTY amazing lessons to teach computer science to Grades 3 to 5. …
TWENTY amazing lessons to teach computer science to Grades 3 to 5. The curriculum is organized into 5 units: Scratch Review, Creative Commons, Makey Makey, Conditionals and Final Project. If you need something easier be sure to use the Green level (Level 1) by using the tabs at the top of the website or finding it in the resource bank. If you need something harder head to Purple (Level 3) using the same method.
This fabulous resource has everything you need to get started coding and computer science with your students TODAY!
TWENTY amazing lessons to teach computer science to Grades 3 to 5. …
TWENTY amazing lessons to teach computer science to Grades 3 to 5. The curriculum is organized into 5 units: Scratch review, variables, Makey Makey, advanced games and final project. If you need something easier be sure to use the Green level (Level 1) or Blue level (Level 2) by using the tabs at the top of the website or finding it in the resource bank.
This fabulous resource has everything you need to get started coding and computer science with your students TODAY!
This resource has everything you need to teach your students how to …
This resource has everything you need to teach your students how to write multiple paragraph compositions using the MPO and The Writing Revolution framework. *templates*sequence*modelled example from beginning to end*transitions*cheat sheet*exemplars*PPT
The 6 STEP PROCESS OF PBL is a Problem Solving Process that …
The 6 STEP PROCESS OF PBL is a Problem Solving Process that allows you to break down and organize the structure of a PBL Unit into six different stages: 1. Define the Problem, 2. Solution Criteria, 3. Solution Research, 4. Pick a Solution, 5. Create, Run, and Inspect Solution, and 6. Reflect on Solution.
This terrific resource has a FREE PDF file of this process and how to run each step. The site also includes many resources, blog articles, examples of the process in elementary, middle and high schools, rubrics, videos and more at each step of the process. A great one-stop shop!
Find mini lessons and anchor charts for each grade level (K-2, 3-6, …
Find mini lessons and anchor charts for each grade level (K-2, 3-6, 7-9 & 10-12) on The Writing Revolution's sentence-level activities, note-taking strategies, a sequence for teaching a single paragraph and multiple paragraph compositions with activities and examples. An implementation plan is provided, as well as how to infuse writing into math, along with pacing guides and other lesson ideas. This resource has everything you need to start using The Writing Revolution at the sentence-level, note-taking, paragraph and mutiple paragraph writing strategies in your classroom or school. We recommend that you have a copy of this book to use as a support in your classroom to assist with implementaiton (especially if you are the ELA teacher). This is an outstanding resource.
Indigenous communities have traditionally shown skill and strength in managing resources to support …
Indigenous communities have traditionally shown skill and strength in managing resources to support their community on an ongoing basis. People have understood and practiced the concepts of budgeting and saving, managing resources by budgeting so that they last the year, and putting aside savings for future use. In today’s economy, managing money can feel stressful at times. A helpful step is to identify goals for you and your family. This booklet provides a set of activities to help you do that. The worksheets can help you plan your money goals, track your spending, make a budget, and get ready for tax time. The land is our teacher. It teaches us about saving, sustainability and security. At creation animals, birds and fish were asked what they could teach humans. The animal world said humans can learn from our values, character and behaviour. In this booklet the animals will teach you about managing your money. Simon BrascoupéAnishinabeg/Haudenausanee Bear ClanMember of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First NationVice-President Education and Training, AFOA Canada
ASP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. …
ASP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. In our ASP tutorial you will learn about ASP, and how to execute scripts on your server.
In this unit students will have an opportunity to investigate some of …
In this unit students will have an opportunity to investigate some of the many issues faced by Aboriginal people in Canada as well as learn where the various native groups live. It will include a discussion of the history of the relationship between Aboriginal people and Canada (whether under British rule or modern day government) in order to understand the root of many of the issues. Specific focus will be given to access to health care, access to education, substance abuse, teen pregnancy and suicide, poverty and low living standards and limited economic opportunity.
Aboriginal Literatures in Canada: A Teacher’s Resource Guide serves a double purpose: …
Aboriginal Literatures in Canada: A Teacher’s Resource Guide serves a double purpose: to encourage the teaching of Aboriginal literature in English high school curricula across the country because Aboriginal students deserve to be taught texts they can relate to and, because non-Aboriginal students should be educated about Aboriginal culture, history and contemporary life through the richness of Aboriginal writing with its innovative uses of the English language. Various works of Aboriginal literature are included.
EVERFI provides unrivaled cloud-based digital courses to a growing and connected high-speed …
EVERFI provides unrivaled cloud-based digital courses to a growing and connected high-speed network base of technology users of all ages from K-12 students.
These courses are FREE and excellent. Students navigate engaging courses at their own pace.
This is a wonderful opportunity to continue learning at home!
(Courses for younger students will require adult participation, but courses for grades 3/4 and up can be done independently).
Students form literature circles, read "Esperanza Rising" or "Becoming Naomi Leon" by …
Students form literature circles, read "Esperanza Rising" or "Becoming Naomi Leon" by Pam MuĐoz Ryan, use a Critical Thinking Map to discuss social issues, and use a class wiki.
"Accounting Careers: Limitless Opportunities is a digital course that shows learners how …
"Accounting Careers: Limitless Opportunities is a digital course that shows learners how an accounting background can help them achieve their career goals. Learners are exposed to the wide range of careers available in the accounting and finance space. This course covers the extensive benefits accounting skills can provide in business or in daily life, including contexts like entrepreneurship, investing, and personal finance."
Accounting covers accounting principles and practices, the complete accounting cycle and creation …
Accounting covers accounting principles and practices, the complete accounting cycle and creation of financial reports. Use of the general journal and special journals, general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable and proper financial reporting.This course provides instruction in the basic accounting procedures used to operate a business including sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations. The accounting procedures presented will also serve as a sound background for employment in office jobs and preparation for further education and training. The complete accounting cycle is covered, students learn how to us generally accepted accounting principles to prepare, analyze, verify financial transactions, reports and economic information to make decisions for organizations.The course trains students in the basics of manual and computerized accounting. Students learn accounting topics including ethics, accounting principles, computing accounting, accounting terminology, job specific accounting, and clerical duties related to accounting. Students also gain real-world applications in income tax, personal finance, and stock market.
A boy and his family endure a difficult nine-week journey across the …
A boy and his family endure a difficult nine-week journey across the ocean and survive the first winter at Plymouth. Based on true events, "Across the Wide Dark Sea" poetically narrates a young boy's account of risking the ocean to find religious freedom in a new land.
In this activity, learners will evaluate seismic activity along major San Francisco …
In this activity, learners will evaluate seismic activity along major San Francisco faults using satellite images and a fault map of San Francisco. They will identify a location where new housing can be built that is as close to downtown as possible, but far away from active faults. Links to the image and map are provided. This activity is part of the Event-Based Science (EBS): Remote Sensing Activities.
Venture: Entrepreneurial ExpeditionIntroduce 7th - 10th grade students to the fundamentals of …
Venture: Entrepreneurial ExpeditionIntroduce 7th - 10th grade students to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, from creating a business plan to performing market research, in this food-truck simulation. In this program, students will progress through online (and offline) lessons entitled Building a Budget, The Entrepreneur in You, Planning & Building a Business, Your Business Snapshot.
In this unit of study students learn about adaptations and how they …
In this unit of study students learn about adaptations and how they help animals survive. They will apply this knowledge to design new technologies. This unit integrates nine STEM attributes and was developed as part of the South Metro-Salem STEM Partnership's Teacher Leadership Team. Any instructional materials are included within this unit of study.
Often, we are not informed in school on how to navigate the …
Often, we are not informed in school on how to navigate the world in regards to things like finances, accessing health care, dating, relationships, balancing work and play, partying and staying safe, managing day-to-day stress, and entering into the workforce. This course will provide an opportunity for students to discuss these topics with each other and the facilitator. Together, we will learn how to navigate the tricky and often overwhelming world of adulthood.
This course examines: • Life Skill development for adulthood • Basic understanding of personal finance • Basic understanding of healthy relationship development • Entering the workforce • Enjoying recreational time safely • Stress management
Session 1 – What Does Adulting Mean? Session 2 – Money Session 3 – Healthy Relationships Session 4 – Taking Care of Yourself
*Sessions are offered live at set times. Visit the link to see the schedule.
This course is provided by H.O.P.E (Helping Others thru Peer Education)
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